
News and Events

Sixteenth Annual Youth Governors Hunt

The Governors Youth Turkey Hunt has been a very successful event over the last 15 years and serves both as a celebration of Missouri’s leading role in providing outdoor recreational opportunity as well as recruiting and retaining additional outdoor enthusiasts.  This hunt is a cooperative effort between Governor Mike Kehoe, the Conservation Federation of Missouri, National Wild Turkey Federation, Friends of the NRA, the Missouri Department of Conservation, elected officials from the capitol, and a host of private landowners and other volunteers.
Click on the download link to download the link and apply for the hunt.
Download form

North MO Landowner Newsletter

2021 Putnam County Wild Turkey Research Update
Field work for the 2021 field season concluded on August 15th. We would like to thank the 86 landowners who granted us permission to access 40,488 acres of private property in Putnam County.
Please click here to read the full story.

Hunting Heritage and R3 Update
Date: April 2021

The NWTF has been investing in hunter recruitment for decades with programs
like Women in the Outdoors, JAKES and Wheelin’ Sportsmen. The Recruitment,
Retention and Reactivation (R3) of hunters and shooting participants led the
NWTF to expand programming to focus on mentored hunts and Learn to Hunt
Clinics, diversifying audiences and moving toward a multi-pronged approach.
The key ingredient to our success has been partnerships. Working with NWTF
volunteers/members, state and federal partners, outfitters, industry and other nongovernmental organizations, we’ve made strides in our R3 work.

Click here to open the newsletter

Save The Habitat. Save The Hunt.
Date: January 2021

We have completed our eighth year since we started our journey to Save the Habitat. Save the Hunt. This past year, our accomplishments total 4,012,270 acres conserved, 1,530,603 hunters created, and 667,772 access acres gained. With 2 years remaining in the initiative, we have already exceeded our goals in all 3 categories. This is an incredible accomplishment that you helped make happen! As you would probably expect, Missouri did our part to achieve mission delivery. Thanks to your continued support Missouri is third in conserved acres at 301,540 and on track to achieve our 400,000 acre goal, fifth in hunters created through registered events at 5,152, and we had to double our initial access acreage goal from 2,000 acres to 4,000 acres and still achieved it.

Project Forester Justin Ferguson
Date: January 2021

Justin’s fourth quarter has been a solid finish to the 2020 calendar year. Justin was busy with the fieldwork and office work associated with developing forest management plans. In total, seven FMPs were developed totaling 991.2 acres influenced. The largest plan developed is in St Francois county and is over 515 acres. This landowner has an interest in managing turkey habitat with prescribed fire and is very excited to begin work on the property. Six of the seven landowners have applications in for the NRCS EQIP or CSP programs to assist with implementing conservation practices outlined in the plan. Justin also completed three EQIP practice certifications. One was for firebreak installation for a prescribed fire planned to take place this Feb/March. The other two were for edge feathering work.

For the immediate future, Justin has inventoried another property and will begin the office work associated with developing the FMP. Justin has several other FMPs in the hopper that will keep him busy through the Spring.

NFI Forester Tyler Cooper
Date: January 2021

These last few months have slowed up here in NW Missouri. Most of my last few months have been getting EQIP sign up deadlines met with landowners who needed cost share assistance with Forestry and Wildlife practices. I was still able to complete 3 Forest Management plans as well.  Site visits and field work was pretty slow due to hunting season and most landowners not wanting the woods disturbed. I was able to get out and certify some TSI and brush management practices. A total of 55 acres were conserved/enhanced and 395 acres influenced. The majority of my time was spent assisting other planners throughout the area with both EQIP application and planning as well as CSP renewals planning.

I foresee my next few months to be full of time in the field with forest inventories and writing management plans. I will also spend a fair amount of time checking out completed cost-share practices as well as meeting with landowners to assist them in implementing new contracts and management practices.

NWTF Project Forester NRCS and USFS Will Reckhemmer
Date: January 2021

The timber harvest on the Handy SPA in the Mark Twain’s Eleven Point District has remained strong in the last quarter with 15 additional acres completed along with closure work on 2 other units, and 3 units open that are currently being completed. The Arkansas View SPA timber sale and mid-story work has restarted after a long hiatus due to mill closures and COVID-19. The crew is currently finishing up 24 acres of timber removal and mid-story treatment in the 5th unit. This work is moving along nicely, and we are opening the final unit on the sale now. We are also completing a modification on this agreement that will add another 44 acres of cedar removal on glades.

2021 Conservation Seed Program
Date: January 2021

It’s time to order your Spring time seed!
The seed we can most likely count on will be Roundup Ready corn, Roundup Ready soybeans, and milo. Clearfield sunflowers may or may not be available but we have ordered some for Missouri if they do become available. Same rules apply, you MUST be a member to purchase the seed, it CANNOT be harvested, and the limit on corn is 5 bags per member.

If you are interested in ordering some seed, please fill out the information below and return it to John Burk, 7152 Tomahawk Lane, Steedman MO 65077 or e-mail me the same information to
Click here to download the application for more information

Managing Agricultural Lands for the Property Owner
Date: July 2019

Do you own investment or recreational land that includes rented farmland? This workshop will take an in-depth look at how to maintain profitability and enhance your investments for the future. Click on the below to see the flyer.


Forest Health News
By: Tyler Cooper
Date: July 2019

This article is going to address the Little green/brown metallic beetles that have been annoying us the last few years during the summer months. Japanese Beetles, originally from Japan, first made it to the U.S in 1916 and have been spreading ever since.

Linc to document

NWTF Hunter Recruitment Form

Please help us track our progress towards achieving our hunter creation goals of 4,000 new hunters annually in Missouri. If you are an NWTF member and you have taken someone hunting that has never before hunted, please fill out the attached form and e-mail it to John Burk at

Here is the form you will need to fill out and attach to the email NWTF Hunter Recruitment Report Form